# Color Color tools. - - - ## type SRLColors Type that holds a large amount of color wrappers so you don't have to memorize then. Some colors are duplicated. They are kept for easy name access. Example: ```pascal WriteLn SRLColors.BLACK; WriteLn SRLColors.ORANGE; WriteLn SRLColors.BLUE; ``` - - - ## GetNextCycleColor ```pascal function GetNextCycleColor(color, step: Int32): Int32; ``` Not currently used for anything, just a fun experiment. Can be used to give an RGB cycle effect. - - - ## RGB2BGR ```pascal function RGB2BGR(rgb: Int32): Int32; function RGB2BGR(rgb: String): Int32; overload; ``` Converts an RGB color to BGR. ```{note} credits go to slacky. ``` Example: ```pascal WriteLn RGB2BGR($00FFAA); ```