Welcome to 🐝 WaspLib documentation¶
- ==================================================================================== A lot of things are missing colors, uptext and coordinates. feel free to contribute: Simba/Includes/WaspLib/optional/handlers/house/houseutils.simba there’s some basic instructions on the file.
- ==================================================================================== A lot of things are missing colors, uptext and coordinates. feel free to contribute: Simba/Includes/WaspLib/optional/handlers/house/houseutils.simba there’s some basic instructions on the file.
- Optional Files
- ItemFinder
- Minimap to MainScreen
- ProgressReport
- RSClient
- BaseScript
- Walker
- RSMonters
- Walker Objects
- ConsumableHandlers
- Chat
- Bank
- XPBarSetup
- DepositBox
- CollectBox
- MainScreen
- WorldHopper
- Inventory
- Magic
- Logout
- XPDrop
- Login
- Minimap
- XPBar