# TBox TBox related methods - - - ## TBox.NearestEdge ```pascal function TBox.NearestEdge(P: TPoint): TPoint; constref; ``` Returns the closest edge point to the TPoint `P`. ```{note} By slacky ``` - - - ## TBox.Intersect ```pascal function TBox.Intersect(P: TPoint): TPoint; constref; ``` Returns the point on the edge where point `P` intersects with the edge when crossing to the mean of the box. - - - ## TBox.Invert ```pascal function TBox.Invert(Area: TBox): TBoxArray; constref; ``` Returns the boxes which surround `Self` in the given `Area`. Typically there is eight surroudning boxes: * Top Left * Mid Left * Bottom Left * Top Mid * Bottom Mid * Top Right * Mid Right * Bottom Right - - - ## TBox.Filter ```pascal function TBox.Filter(testSet: TPointArray): TPointArray; constref; ``` Extract all the points from `testSet` that fits within this rectangle.