# Map This file is responsible for the TRSMap positioning system. It was made from scratch by Torwent but heavily inspired in the original TRSWalker by Slacky and it's future iterations made by Olly. Without them, this wouldn't be possible. - - - (TRSPosition)= ## type TRSPosition ```pascal TRSPosition = record(TPoint) Z: Int32; Plane: Int32; end; ``` Record holding a player's full position: - X, Y coordinate - Z which is the player height on the current heightmap - Plane which is the player's current plane if several planes are being used. - - - (TRSMap)= ## type TRSMap ```pascal TRSMap = record Walker: TRSWalkerV2; RegionIndex: Int32; Region: TRSMapRegion; Similarity: Double; Cache: TMatchTemplateRGBCache; Loader: TRSMapLoader; Sample: TRSMapSample; Filters: array of record Box: TBox; Inside: Boolean; end; IsSetup, DisableHeightmap: Boolean; end ``` Record responsible for positioning. - - - ## Map.InternalSetup ```pascal procedure TRSMap.InternalSetup(); ``` Internal TRSMap setup method. This is caleld automatically for you and you shouldn't need to call it. - - - ## Map.Setup ```pascal procedure TRSMap.Setup(filename: String; downscale: Int32 = 8); procedure TRSMap.SetupRegions(filename: String; regions: TBoxArray; downscale: Int32 = 8); procedure TRSMap.SetupRegion(filename: String; region: TBox; downscale: Int32 = 8); procedure TRSMap.SetupFromURL(url: String; filename: String = ''; downscale: Int32 = 8; force: Boolean = False); procedure TRSMap.SetupChunksEx(chunks: TBoxArray; levels: TIntegerArray = [0]; downscale: UInt32 = 8); procedure TRSMap.SetupChunkEx(chunk: TBox; levels: TIntegerArray = [0]; downscale: UInt32 = 8); procedure TRSMap.SetupChunks(chunks: array of TRSMapChunk; downscale: UInt32 = 8); procedure TRSMap.SetupChunk(chunk: TRSMapChunk; downscale: UInt32 = 8); procedure TRSMap.SetupChunks(chunks: array of ERSChunk; downscale: UInt32 = 8); overload; procedure TRSMap.SetupChunk(chunk: ERSChunk; downscale: UInt32 = 8); overload; ``` Setup a TRSMap. If for some reason you can't setup all your maps at once, you can later use the `Add` methods. This however is not recommended if you can avoid it, read more about it there. Methods with the "Chunk" keyword are the recommended ones to use. If for some reason you need a custom map, use any of the other methods. With the "Chunk" methods you are able to setup multiple levels from 0 to 3. - - - ## Map.Add ```pascal procedure TRSMap.Add(filename: String; downscale: Int32 = 8); procedure TRSMap.AddRegions(filename: String; regions: TBoxArray; downscale: Int32 = 8); procedure TRSMap.AddRegion(filename: String; region: TBox; downscale: Int32 = 8); procedure TRSMap.AddFromURL(url: String; filename: String = ''; downscale: Int32 = 8; force: Boolean = False); procedure TRSMap.AddChunksEx(chunks: TBoxArray; levels: TIntegerArray = [0]; downscale: UInt32 = 8); procedure TRSMap.AddChunkEx(chunk: TBox; levels: TIntegerArray = [0]; downscale: UInt32 = 8); procedure TRSMap.AddChunks(chunks: array of TRSMapChunk; downscale: UInt32 = 8); procedure TRSMap.AddChunk(chunk: TRSMapChunk; downscale: UInt32 = 8); procedure TRSMap.AddChunks(chunks: array of ERSChunk; downscale: UInt32 = 8); overload; procedure TRSMap.AddChunk(chunk: ERSChunk; downscale: UInt32 = 8); overload; ``` TRSMap to add maps to an already setup TRSMap. If it's possible to add all your maps during setup, avoid using this, because this has to repeat several slow step the setup methods already take. Methods with the "Chunk" keyword are the recommended ones to use. If for some reason you need a custom map, use any of the other methods. With the "Chunk" methods you are able to setup multiple levels from 0 to 3. - - - ## Map.ScaledSearch ```pascal function TRSMap.ScaledSearch(bitmap: TMufasaBitmap; samples: Int32): TPointArray; ``` Internal TRSMap method used to get an initial TPointArray of possible positions. This is performed in a downscaled map with a downscaled minimap. This is very innacurate by itself but by ruling down most of the map in a downscaled search before doing a full sized search speed has a dramatic boost. You probably won't ever need to call this directly. - - - ## Map.FullSearch ```pascal function TRSMap.FullSearch(template, world: TMufasaBitmap; position: TPoint; out match: Single): TPoint; ``` Internal TRSMap method used to get the player position. This is used by TRSMap.Position() to determine how likely is the **Position** passed in, our actual position. This likelyhood is returned with **Match** which ranges from 0 to 1. You probably won't ever need to call this directly. - - - ## Map.Position ```pascal function TRSMap.Position(): TPoint; function TRSMap.FullPosition(): TRSPosition; ``` Returns the players current position on the loaded map. `TRSMap.FullPosition()` also returns the current Z level. Example: ```pascal WriteLn(Map.Position()); WriteLn(Map.Similarity); // Check to see the match percentage if needed ``` - - - ## Map.Height ```pascal function TRSMap.Height(p: TPoint = [-1,-1]; global: Boolean): Single; function TRSMap.Height(p: TPoint = [-1,-1]): Single; overload; ``` Returns the height of the player at the specified coordinate if there's a heightmap loaded. If p is [-1,-1], which is the default then we will use our current position. global decides wether the coordinate is converted to global coordinates or internal walker coordinates (read about walker regions for more info). Example: ```pascal WriteLn rsw.GetHeight(); ``` - - - ## TRSMap.InRange ```pascal function TRSMap.InRange(p: TPoint; distance: Int32 = 4): Boolean; function TRSMap.InRange(tpa: TPointArray; distance: Int32 = 4): Boolean; overload; ``` Method used to quickly check if we are within distance of a certain point or points. This distance is measure in pixels and in a radial way. - - - ## Map.Map2MM ```pascal function TRSMap.Map2MM(playerPoint, mapPoint: TPoint; radians: Double): TPoint; function TRSMap.Map2MM(mapPoint: TPoint): TPoint; overload; ``` Converts a map coordinate to a point on the minimap. Example: ```pascal var p: TPoint; bitmap: TMufasaBitmap; begin Map.SetupChunk([49,54,49,54], [0, 1]); //Make sure you are in GE for this example. p := Map.Map2MM([4620, 2100]); //This is just a random point in the ge with SRL map. bitmap.FromClient(); bitmap.DrawCross(p, 4, $FFFFFF); bitmap.Free(); end; ``` - - - ## TRSMap.MM2Map ```pascal function TRSMap.MM2Map(playerPoint, minimapPoint: TPoint; radians: Single = $FFFF): TPoint; function TRSMap.MM2Map(minimapPoint: TPoint; radians: Single = $FFFF): TPoint; ``` Converts a point on the minimap to a map coordinate. - - - ## TRSMap.MS2Map ```pascal function TRSMap.MS2Map(playerPoint, minimapPoint: TPoint; height: Int32 = 0; accuracy: Double = 0.2): TPoint; function TRSMap.MS2Map(minimapPoint: TPoint; height: Int32=0; accuracy:Double=0.2): TPoint; overload; ``` Converts a point on the mainscreen to a map coordinate. - - - ## TRSMap.GetTileMS ```pascal function TRSMap.GetTileMS(playerPoint, mapPoint: TPoint; height: Double = 0; offset: Vector2 = [0,0]): TRectangle; function TRSMap.GetTileMS(mapPoint: TPoint; height, offset: Vector2 = [0,0]): TRectangle; overload; ``` Returns a tile on the mainscreen with the help of TRSMap and MM2MS. Example: ```pascal Debug(Map.GetTileMS(Map.Position() + [10, 10])); ``` - - - ## Map.DebugPosition ```pascal function TRSMap.DebugPosition(): TPoint; ``` Debugs the player position in the currently loaded map. Example: ```pascal Map.Setup(); while True do Map.DebugPosition(); ``` - - - ## TRSMap.Debug ```pascal procedure TRSMap.Debug(map: ERSMapType = ERSMapType.NORMAL; graph: Boolean = False); ``` Displays one of the maps loaded. You can optionally overlay the webgraph on top of you map. Example: ```pascal Map.SetupChunks([[18,56,22,60], [42,50, 46, 45]], [0, 1]); Map.Debug(ERSMapType.HEIGHT); ``` - - - ## var Map Global TRSMap variable