# Drawing Extends TMufasaBitmap with mostly drawing functions. - - - ## TMufasaBitmap.FromClient ```pascal procedure TMufasaBitmap.FromClient(Area: TBox); ``` Copy client to bitmap. - - - ## TMufasaBitmap.ClearAllBut ```pascal procedure TMufasaBitmap.ClearAllBut(Area: TBox); ``` Will clear the image, except for the given area. - - - ## TMufasaBitmap.AvgBrightness ```pascal procedure TMufasaBitmap.AvgBrightness(Area: TBox = [0,0,-1,-1]); ``` Returns a value between 0 and 100 that defines how bright the image is. - - - ## TMufasaBitmap.PeakBrightness ```pascal procedure TMufasaBitmap.PeakBrightness(Area: TBox = [0,0,-1,-1]); ``` Returns the maximum brightness in the image in the range `0..100`. - - - ## TMufasaBitmap.DrawBox ```pascal procedure TMufasaBitmap.DrawBox(Center:TPoint; Radius:UInt32; Fill: Boolean; Color: Int32); ``` Draws a TBox onto the TMufasaBitmap - - - ## TMufasaBitmap.DrawRect ```pascal procedure TMufasaBitmap.DrawRect(Rect: TRectangle; Color: Int32); ``` Draws a TRectangle onto the TMufasaBitmap - - - ## TMufasaBitmap.DrawPoly ```pascal procedure TMufasaBitmap.DrawPoly(Poly: TPointArray; Color: Int32); ``` Draws a polygon onto the TMufasaBitmap